Benedict Arnold


Location: Theatre Vanguard
9014 Melrose Avenue , Los Angeles, California 90069

Day: Tuesday


Walter Gutman, a 72 year old retired businessman, has for many years been an active supporter, producer and filmmaker in the New American Cinema. Other films by Mr. Gutman include UNWRAP ME, THE GRAPE DEALER'S DAUGHTER, and CIRCUS GIRL. Of the making of BENEDICT ARNOLD, Mr. Gutman says: 'I learned a great deal about my country during the year I did this film, and of the European world of which it was, and, in fact, still is a part. The people of the times became real and personal and I admired them. They were truly an extraordinary lot--- a combination of physical hardihood and courage with high culture... The film, as it is, is pretty strictly a documentary on Arnold and those intimately connected with him, plus my psychic association with him... As I got into the story of Arnold, I, of course, got more into the story of Arnold, I, of course got more into the story of Washington and I began to realize that he really was the man who held things together. When they called him the father of the country, they were not sentimentalizing-- they were correct. If Arnold's ectoplasm reads this blurb I think it will agree, and if Washington's sees the film, I feel it will think it tells the story reasonably well as it was.'[Source: Theatre Vanguard Program Notes, 1975]


